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Lilith Koala

A member registered May 24, 2022

Recent community posts

Hey. First off. I want to say that I love your Solanaceae comic on Tapas and I also love your artstyle. Also, is there an order on if you must read the comic first and then play the games or does the order not matter? Wanted to ask this last year but was too shy to ask and wasn't sure if it was a stupid question to ask

(1 edit)

How do you unlock recipes on the android version?  Like I have some of the recipes but don't know how to unlock them or if I'm doing it wrong

Hey. If you don't mind me asking. Why doesn't the android version do mods anymore?

Orveia community · Replied to Orveia in ?

Ok. Thank you

Orveia community · Created a new topic ?

I'm liking the game so far. But can't see the outlaw tournament. I've completed 2/3 of the side quests for the "Outside The Law. Is there something else I must do for the tournament to appear?